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Sustaining Bird Habitats & Rural Communities

Resilient Grasslands

Resilient grasslands support vibrant ranching communities, robust grassland bird populations, and sustainable ecosystem services.

photo by Mitch Kezar

Our Region

The Northern Great Plains is a broad expanse of rolling plains and grasslands covered primarily by mixed-grass prairie and sagebrush-steppe. The NGPJV works across portions of Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota.
NGPJV Boundary Map

conservation across the plains

The Northern Great Plains supports the largest expanse of core breeding habitat for five of the most imperiled grassland birds.
The NGPJV supports and catalyzes conservation that works for birds and the people of the Northern Great Plains across all land ownerships and cultures.
NGPJV partners take actions that improve the health of the land by using science to direct the right conservation tools to the right time and place.
We support locally-led collaboratives that champion local sustainability and vibrant communities in the Northern Great Plains. Our local partners provide guidance on place-based conservation tools, challenges, and outcomes.

Long-billed Curlew by Ron R Bielefeld

This report highlights the incredible collaborative conservation work happening across the Northern Great Plains. Learn about the meaningful partnerships, innovative strategies, and on-the-ground conservation efforts that are making a real difference for birds, people, and the grassland ecosystems we all cherish.

Recent News

Wind Ranch Tour 23may17e

Unpacking the Human Dimensions of North America’s Central Grasslands

This study examines the social dynamics underlying grassland conservation efforts to identify enhanced conservation approaches in North America’s Central Grasslands. We solicited expert perspectives from 29 diverse stakeholders representing the eight sectors identified by the Central Grasslands Roadmap. Through a series of online workshops and a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats analyses, we mapped stakeholder connections and identified barriers

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Range Improvements Benefit Livestock and Wildlife Near Gillette, Wyoming

In fall 2018, Wyoming Game and Fish Department Sheridan Region Terrestrial Habitat Biologist Todd Caltrider began working with members of the Spring Creek Grazing Association on a long-term plan to improve range conditions on the Thunder Basin National Grassland and several adjoining private properties northeast of Gillette, Wyoming. Multiple projects were implemented over several years

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