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Sustaining Bird Habitats & Rural Communities


Targeted financial assistance for voluntary working lands practices that support ranching operations and maintain habitat for declining grassland birds. Available within NGPJV boundaries.

Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP)

Protects agricultural viability and related conservation values by limiting non-agricultural uses that negatively affect agricultural uses and conservation values, protect grazing uses by restoring or conserving eligible grazing land, and protecting, restoring, and enhancing wetlands on eligible land. This includes Agricultural Land Easements (ALE) and Wetland Reserve Easements (WRE).

Big Game Habitat Improvement Project RCPP

This project addresses threats to big game migration corridors and winter ranges through outreach, technical assistance, and producer contracts. Partners work with producers to improve grazing operations, restore grassland habitats, and retain intact rangelands, with additional benefits to plant productivity and grassland resiliency.

Building Ranch Resiliency in SD and NE RCPP

The diverse partnership will contribute expertise on grazing management, wildlife habitat improvement, and water development to improve range conditions. A subset of the participating producers will be enrolled, on a voluntary basis, in World Wildlife Fund’s Ranch Systems Viability Planning project through which ranchers gain expertise in financial strategies, marketing, diversification, and estate planning.

ConocoPhillips SPIRIT of Conservation Program

Awards grants to protect, restore, and enhance grassland, sagebrush, and wetland habitats and accelerate innovations for understanding bird conservation needs across their ranges. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, Federal and state agencies, local and municipal governments, Tribal agencies, and education institutions.

Conservation Forage Program

The Conservation Forage Program aims to improve wildlife habitat, forage availability and quality, and soil health by establishing grassland and integrating grazing and haying land management techniques on private lands.

Conservation Innovation Grants (CIG)

Competitive program that supports the development of new tools, approaches, practices, and technologies to further natural resource conservation on private land.

Conservation Ranching Initiative

This initiative works with private landowners to enhance ecological, economic, and social outcomes with ranch management practices. Performance-based payments will be provided to participating ranches for practices and program activities including installation of prescribed grazing infrastructure, third-party certification audits, and soil monitoring.

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP)

In exchange for a yearly rental payment, program participants agree to remove environmentally sensitive land from agricultural production and plant species that will improve environmental health and quality. Enrollment options include General CRP, Grassland CRP, and Continuous CRP.

Conservation Stewardship Program (CSP)

Offers additional opportunities to expand on existing conservation efforts by offering conservation practices, enhancements, bundles, and other conservation activities.