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Sustaining Bird Habitats & Rural Communities


The NGPJV publishes its e-newsletter a few times per year. Sign up for our mailing list to learn about conservation in the Northern Great Plains, birds, Joint Venture activities, partner updates, and more!


The NGPJV publishes its e-newsletter a few times per year. Sign up for our mailing list to learn about conservation in the Northern Great Plains, birds, Joint Venture activities, partner updates, and more!

Ekalaka Buttes

N-GRIP – A Conservation Bridge

The Northern Grasslands Restoration Incentives Program (N-GRIP) provides conservation options where others may not work or exist. “That’s the foundation of the program”, said Steve Riley, NGPJV Assistant Coordinator. “We wanted to build a program that can fill in the gaps for other programs and that virtually any conservation practitioner can put to use.” As

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Montana Safe

Enrollment is Now Open for the Montana Declining Grassland Birds SAFE

The State Acres for Wildlife Enhancement (SAFE) Initiative restores vital habitat to meet high-priority state wildlife conservation goals by enabling producers to establish grasses, forbs, and shrubs that benefit wildlife. SAFE practices must be used to address wildlife habitat that can be enhanced through the restoration of eligible cropland through the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).

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Western Meadlowlark

Meadowlark Initiative

Even as Old Man Winter stubbornly holds his icy grip on the Northern Great Plains, the cheery chortle of the Western meadowlark heralds with enthusiastic exuberance and absolute certainty, the arrival of another prairie spring. Greeting the return of this well-known, yellow-clad crooner to its fence post podiums across North Dakota’s landscape, is a broad

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High Five 2

A Renewed Commitment to Grasslands

Spring is a time of renewal and fresh growth. Keeping with the season, the Northern Great Plains Joint Venture (NGPJV) is poised to renew and grow our commitment to grasslands with fresh capacity and direction. The NGPJV Management Board and staff recently participated in a strategic retreat to define our path forward as a coalition.

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