America's grasslands
The Northern Great Plains boasts some of the most intact sagebrush-steppe and grassland landscapes in North America. Over 70% of the region is in grass. It is a breeding stronghold for five of the most imperiled declining grassland birds: Sprague’s Pipit, Chestnut-collared Longspur, Thick-billed Longspur, Lark Bunting, and Baird’s Sparrow. The Northern Great Plains also plays a critical role in providing other grassland ecosystem services including carbon storage, soil stabilization, water retention, and flood control. Water is a limited resource in the Northern Great Plains; wet years and wet places are critical to supporting grassland function across the region.
NGPJV partners are dedicated to building and supporting resilient grasslands to ensure grassland birds, local communities, and ecosystem services are sustained over time and can recover from stressors.