Erin Fairbank is the new Conservation Programs Coordinator for the Northern Great Plains Joint Venture. With the NGPJV, she will be working on creating and maintaining partnerships, project collaboration, and overseeing funding programs. Erin has extensive experience working with habitat and bird conservation programs, agricultural operations, and is partnership-oriented. Her background includes over 20 years of wildlife and habitat conservation work throughout the Northern Great Plains region of Montana. She has worked with various species and ecosystems, ranging from amphibians to grizzly bears, but the prairie and grassland-obligate birds have always been her passion. She’s had the opportunity to work on research and management projects with various agencies and organizations – private, state and federal government, and NGOs. Erin lives in Choteau, Montana and enjoys all things outdoors – you can find her hiking, camping, hunting, fishing, floating, skiing, and birding along the Front with her dog.