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Sustaining Bird Habitats & Rural Communities

Northern Great Plains Grassland Conservation RCPP

This project focuses on preserving intact grassland habitats and enhancing degraded habitats, particularly in areas that support declining grassland birds, waterfowl, and upland game birds. It will also restore marginal cropland and unproductive monocultures to higher quality forage and develop grazing infrastructure on grasslands recently restored or at risk of conversion.

Northern Great Plains Program

Awards grants to maintain or improve interconnected, native grasslands in focal areas to sustain healthy populations of grassland-obligate species while fostering sustainable livelihoods and preserving cultural identities. Focal areas include the Dakota Grasslands, Missouri-Milk River Grasslands, and Powder River-Thunder Basin Grasslands. Eligible applicants include non-profit organizations, Federal and state agencies, local and municipal governments, Tribal … Read more

SD GFP Private Lands Habitat Program

Variety of programs offering assistance for landowners to create or manage habitat on private land to enhance reproduction, recruitment, and survival of wildlife.

Working Lands for Wildlife

Target conservation efforts to improve agriculture and forest productivity and enhance wildlife habitat on working lands.  Voluntary adoption of conservation practices that benefit both wildlife and agriculture.